12 September 2010

First iOS app

After installing Xcode and the iOS SDK I decided to reacquaint myself with Xcode, so followed the "Tour of Xcode" tutorial from within Xcode, although my tip would be to read it from your browser so you can use fast app switching easily. The guide was a useful refresher and you end up with a "Hello world" Cocoa application, which in my case was the first time I'd written specifically for OS X.
A little bit bored of reading and armed with my refreshed Xcode knowledge I decided to jump straight in and follow the tutorial from the first session of the Stanford University iPhone Application Development course on iTunes U and made a basic app that uses a slider to change the value of a label:
My next step will be to follow the "Your First iOS Application" from the Apple Developer Center, however that appears to be a bit more in depth and requires a bit more reading of their documentation, which although a bit boring I'm sure will be worth it in the end.

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