I have decided to give myself a kick into action and get back into writing software, seeing as my day job seems to be more paper pushing than coding these days.
After my experiment with LUA/Lightroom failed last year, I wanted to do something that would be both useful in the real world and most importantly, would keep my interest. My initial thought was to really brush up my XHTML/CSS and PHP (this will probably be my next project) but iOS development has really caught my attention. I am a fan of Apple products, especially the iPhone, my iPhone 4 hardly ever leaves my side, so I went over to developer.apple.com and signed up to their developer program, albeit just the free one for now and installed XCode and the iPhone SDK.
I am familiar with Xcode, having used it to do some C programming when I was at uni, but the language used for iOS development, Objective-C, as well as the COCOA framework are new to me. Objective-C is an object-oriented language, which is something which I haven't touched on since uni, however the Object-Oriented Programming with Objective-C guide on the iOS developer centre was quite helpful in refreshing the basics.
In addition to the Apple supplied learning material, I am following the Stanford University iPhone Application Development course on iTunes U, which does actually feels like I am being taught, rather than teaching myself.
My next steps are going to be more reading and hopefully creating a basic "Hello world" app over the next few days...